CCB compliance control board

The Compliance Control Board module (CCB) supports the tasks and information requirements of a compliance control board on the software side.


A Compliance Control Board is responsible for the development, implementation and control of group-wide compliance standards, processes and organizations.


The Compliance Control Board coordinates and promotes the exchange of experience and opinions on the relevant aspects of compliance in the national and inter- national group network.


The Compliance Control Board ensures the timely planning, coordination and implementation of measures for compliance-relevant warnings in the national and international group network.


For this, DASY GmbH recommends routine meetings of the Compliance Control Board. These have in particular the purpose,


·         fundamental and professional questions of compliance policy and compliance management,

·         to regularly review the processes and the organization at the national and international group level and to develop and recommend improvements and suggestions as soon as possible,

·         to promote the exchange of experiences and opinions in the national and international group network.


The CCB will hold further meetings, if necessary. These meetings have the aim to plan, coordinate and implement measures that arise from compliance-relevant warnings in a timely manner.


The Compliance Control Board module ensures communication between the compliance staff and the Compliance Control Board members in both directions. It allows compliance employees to suggest, in the course of their day-to-day work, conspicuties as a matter of discussion for one of the next meetings of the Compliance Control Board, or to communicate this conspicuties to the committee. It allows certain employees to put proposed topics on the agenda of a Compliance Control Board session and documents the results of such meetings. The compliance strategy, the compliance rules or compliance relevant notes determined by the compliance control board can be made available to the compliance staff in the individual evaluations. Compliance with these strategies, standards or hints can also be documented in the Compliance Application Frame.


The Compliance Control Board module is a fundamental element of any Compliance Management System (CMS), as required by the IDW Standard of Auditing Standards (IDW EPS 980) of 11 March 2010.

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